Podcasts and Other Productions

Untangling the Worldknot of Consciousness: Grappling with the Hard Problems of Mind and Meaning

In this series, Dr. John Vervaeke and I explore the nature and function of consciousness. Specifically, I utilize the Unified Theory Of Knowledge to box in the problem of psychology and the various meanings of mental processes, which in turn meshes very well with John's views on consciousness. Together, his integrated vision of cognitive science and the UTOK provide one of the most compelling frameworks offered to date to untangle the worldknot and orient us toward a proper understanding of the relation of mind and matter.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

The Tree of Knowledge System was featured signficantly in the video production of the World We Create:

Dr. Gregg Henriques offers his two minute synopsis of how we should conceptualize depression.

Dr. Henriques presents a 21st Century Vision for Wisdom at the annual International Big History Conference